#DiabetesChat – Open Forum Chat ft #dedoc voices
Norman2024-11-15T15:56:42+00:00On this #DiabetesChat we hear from #dedoc voices as they share their insights to EASD and ISPAD 2024.
On this #DiabetesChat we hear from #dedoc voices as they share their insights to EASD and ISPAD 2024.
On this #DiabetesChat episode we are joined by Sarah Luffingham and Sarah Alicea and on this podcast chat we talked about T1DE. For more information on T1DE check out the Breakthrough T1D and Diabetes UK website and please speak to your diabetes team if you have any questions or would like further information or [...]
On this #DiabetesChat we will be joined by the Menopause Mithers and we will be having a community chat about Menopause and Type 1 diabetes.
This week on #DiabetesChat we are joined by Dr Pratik Choudhary for Hypo Awareness Week 2024. Hypo Awareness week is from the 7th-13th October. For more information about Hypo Awareness Week check out this weblink: https://hypoawarenessweek.com/
On this #DiabetesChat we are joined by Callum Metcalfe-O'Shea. Callum has been working in primary care specialising in diabetes as an Advanced Nurse Practitioner for the last 8 years, supporting the creation of a health professionals forum within his local area to improve diabetes education and training for nurses and other professionals. This [...]
Come join the #DiabetesChat as we welcome Liesl from DAFNE with hosts Claire and Flipper. She will be talking about DAFNE and the new Closed Loop Essentials course. Liesl will also welcome your questions live on the night.
On this #DiabetesChat podcast Flipper talks to Lucy (founder and president) about 'The Pendsey Trust' charity. You can learn more here: https://www.thependseytrust.org/ https://www.youtube.com/@thePendseyTrust
On this #DiabetesChat podcast we are joined by the Thriveabetes team. Our hosts, Richard and Tony spoke with Grainne and Christine and learnt a little about their diabetes journey. We then talked about Thriveabetes; it's name, when it started, why it started, past conferences, this years conference and much more. Learn more about Thriveabetes: [...]
On this episode of #DiabetesChat we welcome Jacq Allan and we will be talking about psychological therapies in diabetes.
This week on #DiabetesChat we welcome Stacey Simms. Our hosts Claire and Flipper talk to Stacey about her sons diagnosis and her journey as a type 1 mum. We hear about Stacey's books and all about peer support and her recently set up community for mums.