About Norman

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So far Norman has created 123 blog entries.

#DiabetesChat – Hypo Baby


On this episode of #DiabetesChat we welcome mum and dad, Katie and Luke; parents of son Noah who lives with Type 1 Diabetes. We talked about about Noah's diagnosis and hear about peer support and mental health and what Katie and Luke do for their mental health and who they reach out to [...]

#DiabetesChat – Hypo Baby2024-07-22T14:06:59+00:00

#DiabetesChat – Research Event (The Grand Challenge)


Come join the #DiabetesChat community for our 5th Research Event. For this special research event we are joined by 3 researchers from The Grand Challenge. Here is what is coming up tonight: 💙 Welcome and introduction to what is The Grand Challenge 💙 Live panel chat and Q&A with all three researchers and [...]

#DiabetesChat – Research Event (The Grand Challenge)2024-06-22T15:35:59+00:00

#DiabetesChat Hybrid Closed Loop Community Chat with GBDoc. #DiabetesChat #GBDoc #PeerSupport


In this #diabeteschat episode we welcome a community night for #DiabetesChat and #GBDoc. We talked about Hybrid Closed Loop and we were joined by members of the diabetes community as they shared their lived experiences of Hybrid Closed Loop and we talked about pens (injecting). *No medical guidance is offered and everyone joining will [...]

#DiabetesChat Hybrid Closed Loop Community Chat with GBDoc. #DiabetesChat #GBDoc #PeerSupport2024-05-15T18:15:43+00:00

#DiabetesChat – Lisa Gier (T1, T1 Parenting and Diabetes Camps)


In this #diabeteschat episode we welcome Lisa as our guest speaker. Lisa is the executive director of Hodia., an organisation which organises camps, for children and young people who have diabetes, in Idaho, America. The diabetes camp started in 1978 by Don Scott. The goal of these camps is to provide a place where [...]

#DiabetesChat – Lisa Gier (T1, T1 Parenting and Diabetes Camps)2024-05-15T18:16:17+00:00

#DiabetesChat – Action4Diabetes


In this #DiabetesChat we welcome Action4Diabetes and we are joined by co-founder Jerry Gore, Diana and Neev. In the podcast episode we learn a little about What is Action for Diabetes and we hear from Fiona. We also do a quick fire round of ice breaker questions to get to know Jerry, Diana [...]

#DiabetesChat – Action4Diabetes2024-05-15T18:16:42+00:00

#diabeteschat – Dr Tomas Griffin


This week on #DiabetesChat Tom, Richard and the community spoke to Health Care Professional Dr Tomas Griffin about: 💙his career background & research 💙connected pens 💙HCL 💙access in Ireland 💙Language Matters 💙#T1 & #T2 Diabetes 💙+ Tomas welcomes a community Q&A & lots more... Who is Dr Tomas Griffin: Dr Griffin is a [...]

#diabeteschat – Dr Tomas Griffin2024-05-15T18:17:19+00:00
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