About Norman

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So far Norman has created 123 blog entries.

#diabeteschat Type 2 Diabetes Chat with Ken & Helga


This week on #DiabetesChat our hosts Kes & Tony spoke to Ken and Helga. Both Ken and Helga live with Type 2 Diabetes. We talked about their diagnosis stories and learnt about what is Type 2 Diabetes and their treatment pathways. We will talked about some of the research coming out from ATTD2024, [...]

#diabeteschat Type 2 Diabetes Chat with Ken & Helga2024-05-15T18:17:29+00:00

#DiabetesChat Research Event🔬


#DiabetesChat community, connect with people from all around the world living with /or have a connection to diabetes. #DiabetesChat is an inclusive community for all and this week is our fourth Research Event. We were joined by 7 speakers from around the world and they shared their diabetes research and innovation projects with [...]

#DiabetesChat Research Event🔬2024-05-15T18:18:49+00:00

#diabeteschat – Alyssa Faulkner


This week on the #diabeteschat we are joined by Alyssa Faulkner and our hosting team are Tony and Claire. Alyssa was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes in 2013. She has been involved in the diabetes community since she was diagnosed initially through a Facebook group for teenagers with type 1 diabetes and then by [...]

#diabeteschat – Alyssa Faulkner2024-02-14T19:43:09+00:00

#diabeteschat – Tara Humphrey


Come join the #diabeteschat community and connect with people from all around the world living with /or have a connection to diabetes. #diabeteschat is an inclusive community for all and this week our guest speaker is Tara Humphrey with hosts Tom and Rich. Tara is a mum to 3 children and her middle [...]

#diabeteschat – Tara Humphrey2024-02-14T19:43:47+00:00

#diabeteschat – Jean Langford


Come join the #diabeteschat community and connect with people from all around the world living with /or have a connection to diabetes. #diabeteschat is an inclusive community for all and this week our guest speaker is Jean Langford with hosts Mary & Tony.Come join the #diabeteschat community and connect with people from all [...]

#diabeteschat – Jean Langford2024-02-14T19:45:10+00:00

#dabeteschat – Kamil ‘Nerdabetic’


This week our #DiabetesChat guest speaker was Kamil 'Nerdabetic' with host Flipper. Kamil lives with type 1 diabetes. He has an amazing YouTube channel which discusses all thinks tech in the diabetes sphere. He has interviewed some the big names in the diabetes tech industry & attended many of the diabetes conferences. Outside of [...]

#dabeteschat – Kamil ‘Nerdabetic’2024-02-14T19:45:40+00:00

#diabeteschat – Revolve Comics


In this #diabeteschat, co-hosts Mary and Kes are joined by Mayank Patel & Danny McLaughlin. Revolve Comics is a comic book publisher housed in Northern Ireland. In 2015, Revolve Comics collaborated with Diabetes Specialists Partha Kar and Mayank Patel, from Portsmouth & Southampton and people living with Type 1 Diabetes to create a [...]

#diabeteschat – Revolve Comics2024-02-14T19:45:47+00:00

#diabeteschat – Oral Health & Diabetes


In this #diabeteschat podcast, our hosts Tom and Claire were joined by Will Welton & Dr Khad Shah from Get Floe. Get Floe are an international team made up of experts in engineering, design, and dentistry, driven by a desire to improve healthcare outcomes for all. On their website Get Floe's motto is: [...]

#diabeteschat – Oral Health & Diabetes2024-01-03T12:59:52+00:00

#diabeteschat – Dr Tom Crabtree


In this #diabeteschat podcast, our host Tom Dean is joined by Dr Tom Crabtree. Dr Tom Crabtree is a Diabetes & Endocrinology registrar and ABCD research fellow working at the University Hospitals of Derby. Tom is the current chair of the YDEF committee. His interests include diabetes technology, type 1 diabetes and lessons from [...]

#diabeteschat – Dr Tom Crabtree2024-01-03T13:00:36+00:00
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