Who is your diabetes role model
Tom2023-11-24T20:29:31+00:00Day 21: Who is your diabetes role model? Please feel free to leave a comment below and follow the comments on our Twitter page: https://twitter.com/diabetes_chat/status/1726948324018897121
Day 21: Who is your diabetes role model? Please feel free to leave a comment below and follow the comments on our Twitter page: https://twitter.com/diabetes_chat/status/1726948324018897121
Day 20: What peer support groups do you know and what communities are you part of? Please feel free to leave a comment below and follow the comments on our Twitter page: https://twitter.com/diabetes_chat/status/1726578641893552388
Day 19: What does Mental Health mean to you? Please feel free to leave a comment below and follow the comments on our Twitter page: https://twitter.com/diabetes_chat/status/1726222296241619018
Day 18: Do you love or hate the smell of insulin? Can you smell Insulin, does it remind you of anything, do you have any preference on the smell of Insulin? Please feel free to leave a comment below and follow the comments on our Twitter page: https://twitter.com/diabetes_chat/status/1725870589464772779
Day 17: Have you attended any in-person diabetes events? This might have been a conference, a peer support event or social event. How did you find the event? Please feel free to leave a comment below and follow the comments on our Twitter page: https://twitter.com/diabetes_chat/status/1725549031814844775
Day16 : What diabetes education have you had? - When did you have it & how long from diagnosis? - What type of education was it (online/in-person)? - What education would you like to have? - Why is education important to you? Please feel free to leave a comment below and follow the comments on [...]
Day 15: Do you/how often do you finger prick? - what BG meters do you have, do they link to apps? - do you finger prick to help tech calibration or to check ketones? - or when dropping or when you are having a hypo? Please feel free to leave a comment below and follow [...]
Day 14: Post a picture for World Diabetes Day 2023. Please feel free to leave a comment on our Twitter page: https://twitter.com/diabetes_chat/status/1724442063234609328
Day 13: What does peer support mean to you? Please feel free to leave a comment below and follow the comments on our Twitter page: https://twitter.com/diabetes_chat/status/1724064584796123429