What 1 thing do you like about diabetes and 1 thing you don’t like about diabetes


Day 9: What 1 thing do you like about diabetes and 1 thing you don't like about diabetes? Please feel free to leave a comment below and follow the comments on our Twitter page: https://twitter.com/diabetes_chat/status/1722595425595674833

What 1 thing do you like about diabetes and 1 thing you don’t like about diabetes2023-11-09T22:14:54+00:00

Which diabuddies do you follow?


#DiabetesAwarenessMonth Day 7️⃣: Which diabuddies do you follow? - Do you follow any celebrities who have diabetes? - Are there any particular accounts, podcasters, bloggers etc you follow (on any platform) that you want to give a shout out too 😊💙 Please feel free to leave a comment below and follow the comments on our [...]

Which diabuddies do you follow?2023-11-09T22:12:38+00:00

Do you have any hypo awareness?


Day 6: Do you have Hypo awareness?  If yes, what symptoms & and what levels?  If no, how does this make you feel & do you use tech to keep a more watchful eye on hypos. Feel free to leave a comment below or check out our Twitter post where you feel comfortable to  https://twitter.com/diabetes_chat/status/1721558063381926224

Do you have any hypo awareness?2023-11-09T22:11:49+00:00

What is your go to hypo treatments


What is your go to hypo treatments? - Does it depend on different things like; work, at home, travelling? - Where do you store your hypo treatments? - Do you have any tips or recommended places to get them? - Do you bulk buy your hypo treatment stock? Please feel free to leave a comment [...]

What is your go to hypo treatments2023-11-09T22:09:14+00:00

What technology do you use?


What technology do you use?  - What have you used over the years? - What do you use to check your blood levels & to administer insulin? - Do you use any apps to help with your diabetes care & management? Please feel free to leave a comment below and follow the comments on our [...]

What technology do you use?2023-11-03T18:56:11+00:00

What is your Diagnosis story


What is your Diagnosis story? - When were you diagnosed & how old? - Did you have any signs/symptoms? - Do you recall any memorable moments? like your first injection, first hypo. - Feel free to share anything else Please feel free to leave a comment below and follow the comments on our Twitter page: [...]

What is your Diagnosis story2023-11-03T18:28:31+00:00
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