#diabeteschat – Jaimie Boisvenue (25.7.22)


Jaimie Boisvenue is an epidemiologist specializing in chronic disease and health services research. In 2009 he completed a biological sciences diploma followed shortly by a Bachelors degree in Technology and Health Management at the Northern Alberta Institute of Technology. In 2019 he completed his Masters degree in Epidemiology and Public Health with a focus [...]

#diabeteschat – Jaimie Boisvenue (25.7.22)2023-08-25T13:59:17+00:00

#diabeteschat – Niki Breslin (20.6.22)


Niki Breslin is a mummy to two children and wife to husband Matt. Niki was diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes initially as a misdiagnosis, before Type 1 Diabetes.. Niki is a big advocatefor diabetes, a freelance writer and speaker and has worked in projects with MedTech companies. Niki has been on roller-coasterjourney with her [...]

#diabeteschat – Niki Breslin (20.6.22)2023-08-25T14:05:12+00:00

#diabeteschat – Jazz Sethi (6.6.22)


Jazz Sethi is an absolute incredible diabetes advocate. Jazz was diagnosed with #T1D at the age of 13. Jazz is a dancer and choreographer and trained from Broadway Dance Centre in New York and the AEF from Florence. Jazz is the founder and director of The Diabesties Foundation. Tom, Chris, Morgan and the Diabetes [...]

#diabeteschat – Jazz Sethi (6.6.22)2023-08-25T14:06:08+00:00

#diabeteschat – Dana M Lewis (31.5.22)


Dana M Lewis is a researcher, author and diabetes advocate who has lived with #T1D since she was 14 years old. Dana created the first do-it-yourself (DIY) automated insulin delivery system in 2015. Dana wrote a book about automated insulin delivery systems and has written a children's book: "Understanding Automated Insulin Delivery". Dana is [...]

#diabeteschat – Dana M Lewis (31.5.22)2023-08-25T14:08:10+00:00

#diabeteschat – Partha Kar (16.5.22)


Professor Partha Kar is National Specialty Advisorand has been a Consultant in Diabetes care at Portsmouth Hospital NHS Trust since 2008. Partha has led and delivered on many amazing initiatives including on Flash/CGM in becoming available on NHS. Partha is co-creator of TAD (Talking About Diabetes)and part of diabetes101 team. Partha is also co-creator [...]

#diabeteschat – Partha Kar (16.5.22)2023-08-25T14:12:31+00:00
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